James Stetson
Director of Project ControlsOver a 25-year career, Jim has developed a specific expertise in construction time determination scheduling, bottoms up cost estimating, as well as other project controls skills including risk management analysis, value engineering, claims and change order management and cash flow forecasting. Informing his abilities in these areas is his prior experience as a construction manager managing multiple simultaneous small projects. Jim’s abilities with scheduling and cost estimating combined with his understanding of vertical and horizontal construction projects makes him a trusted consultant for project managers.
Jim knows how to keep projects on schedule, can provide advice when projects are in danger of exceeding their budget, and has proven to be a reliable member of the project team who will do what is necessary to get the job done. For these reasons, Jim has become a “go-to” provider for project controls services in both the public and private sectors.
Jim has experience with a number of different estimating and scheduling software programs and is also a Certified Cost Professional and a licensed construction supervisor.
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